Alias Kylix
Henry Adam
Storytel (2019)

Senior officer for Canada's special forces Nitin Borland, also known as Kylix, agrees to do one last job before retiring. But during his final sting operation, he loses cover and narrowly avoids death. His survival comes at a personal cost, and his wife is killed shortly after. Blind with rage he seeks revenge, which turns out to be more complicated and dangerous than he ever thought possible.

For the cover design, our protagonist Nitin Borland takes center stage as the main ingredient, ready for action and running forward with his gun aimed. Sitting on the upper body of Borland, where his heart and soul is situated, a fiery light is emitted from the title, blinding him in the same way his own rage blinds his vision. Behind him, death and destruction are left in his wake as the aftermath of an explosion unfolds.


La Trampa


Depths of Dante