El Placer de Quemar
Ray Bradbury
Minotauro (2021)
Literary Science Fiction Classics

Fahrenheit 451 is one of the undisputed classics of modern science fiction and its title has become commonplace. Its portrayal of an increasingly soulless society in which books and ideas are considered abominations is part of our cultural heritage. The anthology A Pleasure to Burn is the ideal companion to Bradbury's brilliant novel and brings together sixteen stories of widely varying lengths, including The Pedestrian, The Fire Tower, The Bonfire and The Reincarnated, among others. Together these stories reflect the evolution of the images, ideas and concern for society that found their purest and most shattering expression in Fahrenheit 451. A Pleasure to Burn is a surprising, enlightening, and tremendously entertaining anthology that provides invaluable insights into Bradbury and an intimate view into the mysteries of his creative process.

For the Spanish version of A Pleasure to Burn, our cover cook took a literal approach to the design recipe, taking an old book to his courtyard and lighting it on fire. Following the burning of the book, our cover cook captured a photograph of the scorched leftovers amongst a bed of charred wood. Layers of burned pages and grey ash reveal the book's title and author's name, perfectly unscathed by the flames. On the front and back flaps of the dust jacket, the photograph continues to burn, giving way to the author's bio, accolades and a selection of some of the author's most-loved book titles.


Everything is Normal